Narcissistic abuse cycle.

The narcissistic abuse cycle is the cycle of abuse a narcissist employs in relationships. It consists of the following phases that are continuously cycled through during the relationship: Idealization, Devaluation, Discarding and Hoover.

In the midst of an ongoing cycle of abuse, it’s very difficult for victims to verbalize what they are experiencing. Abusers twist and turn reality to suit their own needs, idealize their victims over and over after abusive incidents and convince their victims that they are the abusers through the use of gaslighting.


Victims of narcissistic abuse often feel mentally exhausted, depressed, controlled and constantly on edge in “fight or flight” mode even after the relationship has ended.  Although there are no physical scars for this type of abuse, psychological and verbal abuse affects the brain in the same manner as physical abuse.


A punch to the face and a verbal attack are perceived the same way in the brain. Both experiences can lead to and often do lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

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